Use the code below to re-define the standardize() function and to create a vector with standardized numbers.

standardize <- function (x) {
  (x - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)) / sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)

standardized_vector <-
  standardize(sample(1:100, 30))


Using a for()-loop, loop through each element of the vector, add the number pi, and print the result.
There’s a pre-defined value in R for pi. Just type pi and you’ll receive 3.141593. You need to wrap what the function does within the print() function.


Repeat the previous exercise, but this time the results should be printed all at once in a vector. Use the sapply() function here.
You don’t need the print() function anymore.


Now, we want to have the same output as a list.
You can either use lapply() or map() from the purrr package.